Searching for her best friend …

Patches has been missing from the Drive-Inn Road area of Guntersville, AL since mid-April. He is 10 years old and neutered. May be much thinner now than what photo depicts. Contact: with any information.

Patches the kitty and his owner, Nicole Afzal, have practically grown up together. A surprise gift from her parents, Patches was a tiny kitten with an even smaller ‘meow’ when the two were introduced. It all started one day after school … Nicole was sitting in her bedroom when she heard a pitiful little ‘meow’ sound. She searched the house until she found a little kitten hiding in the bathroom. He seemed so afraid that she let him sleep in bed with her that night. It was the start of something big, as Patches continued to sleep next to her or on top of her every night!

Nicole has fond memories of Patches as her alarm clock each morning.

“Every morning when he was ready to eat he would sit on my night stand staring at me and then he would take his paw and gently claw at me to wake me up. When he did that I knew he was ready to eat.”

And what kitty experience would be complete without the attention-grabbing ‘lay-on-top-of-important-paperwork’ trick?

“When he wanted attention he would do his best to get it no matter what,” Nicole says. “I would be trying to do my homework and he would get on top of my paper or book and lay on it so I would pet him. He loved to have his chin rubbed, but he hated it when I rubbed his stomach.”

Patches soon got a ‘sister’: a small dog named Buttons who became his best friend. The two of them loved to chase each other and play together.

According to Nicole, Patches was always very playful but had a loving side to him as well. He was an indoor kitty but one day he managed to sneak outside. Nicole has not seen him since and desperately wants to bring him home.

“I miss him so much. I also know his little friend Buttons, also misses him. He is like my best friend and my child. Patches is my baby boy and always will be.”

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